2020 Animation Mentor Student Showcase
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Animation Mentor is incredibly proud to announce the 2020 Student Showcase!

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We LOVE highlighting our fantastic students, and with a community of 5,000+ alumni in over 105 countries (working at world-class studios like Pixar, DreamWorks, Industrial Light & Magic and others) it would be silly not to!
We look forward to the student showcase every year, but 2020’s student animators really outdid themselves! This year’s showcase features 17 animators from 8 different countries, telling wildly creative and engaging stories.

Yes! So many things have gone digital this year, but Animation Mentor has been doing this since 2005 and we’re pros.

  • Each animator’s perspective is key to making an ordinary moment extraordinary
  • Our students are SO TALENTED!
  • Entertaining and appealing storytelling is universal, with or without dialogue
  • You can tell fantastic stories with any character, be it a rig as simple as Monster Ball or as complex as Aia
  • Any idea can be turned into an awesome moment in the hands of a talented animator
  • Everyone has embarrassing videos of themselves dancing to Whitney Houston

Established in 2005 (we celebrated our 15th anniversary this year!) Animation Mentor is the original, online animation school. We have more instructors from major studios than any other school and their dedicated mentorship gives our students the one-on-one time they need to prepare for a successful career in the Animation Industry.
We are so proud of our students! We’re proud not only of those featured above, but every student who comes to Animation Mentor committed to learning and growing.

About Animation Mentor

Our alumni are such a talented group and we’re proud of wherever their path takes them. Some start their own studios, others are listed in the credits of blockbuster films, many win awards, and some even become mentors themselves.

Remote classes are the best—but only if you have access to an online campus, supportive mentors, professional character rigs, and a tried and true curriculum that gives you industry-ready skills.
The 2020 showcase is a stunning example of artists pushing their skills to new heights!
No matter where our students end up, they will always be part of the Animation Mentor family.

Can I learn animation at home?

You are rock stars! Thank you for continuing to inspire us.
Learn from the best.
Watching the 2020 Student Showcase, it’s clear that…

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The work of our 3D animation students is creative and entertaining, and we’re so impressed by every shot. In such a strange and difficult year, it’s heartening to see stories that convey joy, normalcy, and humor—especially humor. This year’s showcase is packed with awkward, playful, and absurd moments that make us laugh.

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