Directing Animation Livecast
Listening to podcasts about animation won’t teach you everything you need to know, but it will add more value to your skill set by giving you the tips and inspiration you need to keep your work fresh.
They started airing podcasts in June 2015 and still continue to release podcasts every other Wednesday.
Overly Animated Podcast, hosted by Dylan Hysen, discusses incredibly popular animated shows and movies such as Steven Universe, Rick and Morty, Miraculous Ladybug, and Star vs. the Forces of Evil.
RubberOnion Podcast logo

Top Animation Podcasts for Animators and Animation Fans

The Visual Storytelling Podcast is a podcast hosted by Chris Oatley that features insightful interviews from creatives involved in every stage in animation. This podcast is excellent for anyone involved in the animation world, or simply for animation fans who want to learn more about the creative process behind their favorite animated TV shows and movies.

1. Animation Addicts Podcast

This podcast is also a great source of information about animation software programs like Cinema 4D, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Photoshop.
Nickelodeon Animation Podcast
Make It Then Tell Everybody is a show hosted by Dan Berry. This podcast is excellent for anyone interested in telling stories and making illustrations.
To be a successful animator, it’s important to understand the business side of animation as well as the technical side. If you’d like to grow your animation freelance career or build your animation studio, we recommend that you check out Business of Animation’s free masterclass and download a copy of their free handbook.

2. Animation Industry Podcast

The podcast has been going strong since February 2012, and the hosts continue to release episodes twice a month, so you can always count on fresh content in addition to a huge backlog of episodes.
We hope these podcasts inspire you, no matter where you are on your journey!
The Animation Journey logo
And if you’re the type of person who enjoys learning wherever you go, no matter what you’re doing, listening to animation podcasts is the perfect way for you to expand your animation knowledge!

3. Directing Animation Livecast

Skwigly Animation Podcast is run by animation industry creatives Ben Mitchell, Steve Henderson, and Laura-Beth Cowley. Skwigly is your one-stop-shop for interviews with famous professionals in the animation industry.
Mograph Podcast is a show by Dave Koss and Matt Milstead of They discuss the animation world of Cinema 4D and motion graphics and invite guests from the industry to join in on the fun.
Overly Animation Podcast banner

4. Make It Then Tell Everybody

School of Motion Podcast
They’ve been airing podcasts since March 2012 and you can find a few new episodes every month.
The podcast has been airing episodes since December 2018 and continues to release new episodes every week.

5. Mograph Podcast

The Bancroft Brothers Animation Podcast
They’ve been airing podcasts since 2015 and continue to release podcast episodes every week.
RubberOnion Animation Podcast is hosted by Brooklyn Animator Stephen Brooks and Production Designer Rob Yulfo. Stephen is the owner of a boutique studio that creates brilliant hand-drawn animation.
In this podcast, you’ll also find interviews with leaders in the animation industry discussing how to promote yourself online, skills successful animators need, and much more.

6. Nick Animation Podcast

The podcast first aired in January 2020 and new episodes are released once a month.
Looking for some inspiration to jump-start your animation hobby or career? There are so many resources available to learn about animation!
In this podcast, Stephen and Rob discuss various elements of the animation, including news stories, reviews, interviews, fan-art contests, trivia games, character skits, and so much more.

7. Overly Animated

In addition to helpful advice, you’ll also find stories from artists who worked on some of the most unforgettable TV shows and films in animation history.
They’ve been airing episodes since March 2017 and you can tune in every other Wednesday for the newest release.
Director and Animator Scott Wise brings his expertise to the masses with his podcast, Directing Animation Livecast. In his show, Scott talks about his journey toward directing his first animated feature film and shares in-depth conversations with top producers and directors in the animation industry.

8. The Visual Storytelling Podcast

In every episode, they discuss a different animated film and give an in-depth and entertaining analysis of it. In addition to sharing their points-of-view on animated films, they also invite professional animators to speak as guests on the show.
We agree with Entrepreneur, who says that podcasts are filled with educational and entertaining content for people who like to multi-task.
If you enjoy self-study you can read books on the topic, take online animation courses, and watch YouTube videos. You can also connect with others while you learn by attending animation festivals and conferences, joining online animation communities, or being mentored by an experienced animator.

9. Rubber Onion Animation Podcast

The Nickelodeon Animation Podcast is hosted by Hector Navarro and takes listeners into the minds of Nickelodeon animators and voice talents. It also offers an inside look at how these artists found success at such a huge company.
Animation Industry Podcast
The Bancroft Brothers Animation Podcast is created and hosted by twin brothers Tom and Tony Bancroft who are former Disney animators. In their podcast, they interview talented animators, talk about the current and future world of animation, and share insights that can inspire animators at any level of their career.

10. School of Motion Podcast

This podcast focuses on the best ways to use Cinema 4D, After Effects, and Octane. But it’s not just about software. They also discuss issues around contracts, clients, and how to maximize their time at work!
In this blog post, we list 13 podcasts that animators should listen to in 2021. Grab your phone, queue up these awesome animation podcasts, and start learning!
The Animated Journey is hosted by industry legends-in-the-making Angela Entzminger and Jeff Schuetze. The podcast has officially ended, but it’s a great archive of interviews with professionals in the animation industry who worked on animated films, TV shows, and games. This is a great resource for animators who want to get inside the minds of people who have made it in the animation industry.
Skwigly Animation Podcast banner

11. Skwigly Animation Podcast

The Visual Storytelling Podcast logo
The Animation Industry Podcast is run by stop-motion animator Terry Ibele. Terry shares how he started and improved his animation career and what he’s learning along the way.
Start your animation journey today by learning from pros at studios like Pixar, DreamWorks, and ILM! Get more information about Animation Mentor’s Character Animation Program.

12. The Animated Journey Podcast

Animation Addicts Podcast
Make It Then Tell Everybody Podcast logo

13. The Bancroft Brothers Animation Podcast

School of Motion Podcast is a podcast for motion designers hosted by motion designers. In the podcast, they interview all types of creatives in the industry, from designers to animators to producers.
Animation blogs for animators
Ready to build your animation career?

The podcast has been running since August 2014 and the brothers continue to release two podcast episodes every month. Podcast logo
This Visual Storytelling Podcast is no longer airing new episodes, but their backlog still offers excellent advice for creatives who want to elevate their visual storytelling by overcoming their creative roadblocks and fear of failure. Inspiration is only a podcast away, and this is the one that will get you there!
The show features in-depth interviews with a wide variety of comic artists. Dan dives deep into the intricacies of life as an artist, including how artists like to work and what it takes to actually make a living. This podcast is a great listen for aspiring creatives who hope to break into the industry.

Are you ready to be mentored by professional animators?
The Animation Addicts Podcast, hosted by Morgan Stradling, Chelsea Robson, and Mason Smith, is a podcast that explores the wide world of animation created by animation studios such as Disney, DreamWorks, Pixar, and many more.

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