The series, described as a “science fiction mystery comedy-drama” was created by Chris Sheridan (The Family Guy) from the comic book by Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse and stars Alan Tudyk as the alien.
Huge Designs Resident Alien SyFy | STASH MAGAZINE
Music: Brown Bird
Huge Designs Resident Alien SyFy | STASH MAGAZINE
Huge Designs Resident Alien SyFy | STASH MAGAZINE
Huge Designs Resident Alien SyFy | STASH MAGAZINE
Posted on Monday, January 31, 2022 · Leave a Comment 
Huge Designs Resident Alien SyFy | STASH MAGAZINE
Production: Huge
Director: Huge
Huge Designs Resident Alien SyFy | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: SyFy

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