Tuesday, March 15 – “A Fireweed Feast” and “River Skate”
Wednesday, March 16 – “Sea Lion Crooks and Halibut Hooks” and “Nature’s Medicine”
Monday, March 14 – “Basketball Blues” – The first new episode is a 2-part special featuring University of Hawaii star forward Kamaka Hepa. (PBS to air special episodes during NCAA’s “March Madness”)
- In “Basketball Blues” Molly experiences a shooting slump just as her team is set to play in a basketball tournament. With a little help from Kamaka, Molly and her friends regain the confidence they need to learn the importance of playing as a team.
Source: WGBH Educational Foundation
- In “A Fireweed Feast” Molly and Trini are on a quest for fireweed to make into all sorts of treats – even ice cream! But when a storm rolls in, they must pause their hike to find food and shelter. The land provides many gifts – but will fireweed be one of them?
- In “River Skate” it’s Trini’s first River Skate, a special event where everyone in Qyah skates down the frozen river to a bonfire! Molly and Tooey are thrilled to share this tradition with Trini, but will they be able to teach her how to skate in time?
New episodes of Molly of Denali will premiere March 14-17 on PBS KIDS with Molly and her friends Tooey and Trini exploring Alaska, learning Alaska Native culture as well as skill building in informational text.
- In “Sea Lion Crooks and Halibut Hooks” Molly and her cousin Randall are fishing with Randall’s special halibut hook! But when a sea lion with the word “glog” written on its side snatches a fish from Molly’s line, she sets off to learn who this mystery sea lion is.
- In “Nature’s Medicine” the kids in Molly’s scout troop, the Neegoo Tsal, are determined to earn a hiking badge. But when Trini scrapes her knee, the hike is put on hold – that is, until Atsaq teaches them to find some of the medicine that nature has to offer.
Debbie Diamond Sarto is assistant news editor at Animation World Network.
- In “Fili-Bascan Chefs” Molly, Tooey and Trini find mysterious bubbles while canoeing on Lake Qyah. Who’s making the bubbles? Could it be wood frogs, a freshwater seal, or… a lake monster? Hopefully Grandpa Nat and Nina can help them solve the case!
- In “Ladybug Sleepover” a spooky sleepover gets even spookier when a bunch of ladybugs gets loose in the Trading Post. Will Molly and Vera be able to help Jake face his fear of creepy crawlers so they can make it through the night?
Here’s a line-up of what’s coming!

Thursday, March 17 – “Fili-Bascan Chefs” and “Ladybug Sleepover”