Posted on Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Vincent Schwenk Legacy Waste Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE
Vincent Schwenk Legacy Waste Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE
“The cycle of overuse is hidden behind all our basement doors or stacked up on disregarded shelves. The work is not meant to be moralistic, but rather to show the actual state of these forgotten objects. In a playful, contrary way, they come to life and unfold themselves into a digital dystopia.
“So it’s up to you: You can keep it, you can change it, charge it or you can lock the door again and forget about it – can you?”
Vincent Schwenk Legacy Waste Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE
Vincent Schwenk Legacy Waste Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE
Audio: Jürgen Branz
Vincent Schwenk Legacy Waste Short Film | STASH MAGAZINE
Director: VVAND (aka Vitaly Grossmann and Vincent Schwenk)

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