It’s time to pull the ‘Trigger’ on April’s action-packed Loot Anime crate. Fans of Studio Trigger titles Darling in the Franxx, Kiznaiver, Trigun: Badlands Rumble! and Space Patrol Luluco! should not miss this specially curated box of officially licensed collectibles and wearables.
Order this crate of mysterious Studio Trigger anime items April 27 at 9:00pm PST. Loot Anime crates start at .99 plus shipping and handling. Supplies are limited, so get yours before it sells out!
Laurén Alexa acts as social content producer and journalist for AWN.

For those wanting a sneaky peek, Vash the Stampede from Trigun will be given special attention. Here’s a hint: The Humanoid Typhoon is rarely seen without them. Think you know what it is? Grab the “Trigger” crate to know for sure.