UNESCO Cookie Factory makemepulse Mikros Image | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: UNESCO
From UNESCO: “Privacy is a human right. And even Artificial Intelligence must respect it. For the launch of our A.I ethic recommendation, UNESCO is proud to introduce The Cookie Factory.
UNESCO Cookie Factory makemepulse Mikros Image | STASH MAGAZINE
You can download The Cookie Factory extension here.
UNESCO Cookie Factory makemepulse Mikros Image | STASH MAGAZINE
“No more tracking nor targeting, the Cookie Factory will shape a brand-new online identity for you. Choose who you want to be among 40 profiles, our AI will navigate the web to collect the finest cookies.
Commissioned by DDB Paris, the spot features a mad motion graphics treatment by ECD Nicolas Rajabaly and the team at production studio makemepulse with post handled by Mikros Image in Paris.
Post: Mikros Image
Team: Julien Pinot, Nicolas Huguet
UNESCO, the United Nations agency focused on “promoting world peace and security”, is now looking out for your personal online security with a Chrome browser extension called The Cookie Factory.
Production: makemepulse
ECD: Nicolas Rajabaly
Chief Technology Officer: Antoine Ughetto
Digital Art Director: Guillaume Mitch
Head of Production: Julien Rault, Gregory Bruneau
Producer: Juliette Desbois
Developer: Christophe Massolin
UNESCO Cookie Factory makemepulse Mikros Image | STASH MAGAZINE
UNESCO Cookie Factory makemepulse Mikros Image | STASH MAGAZINE
“When it’s ready, you can browse as usual except everything has changed: Bookmarks, browser history, recommendations, even the ad trackers will think you are someone else. And you can watch your browser watching you.”
Music: Universal
Posted on Wednesday, December 1, 2021 · Leave a Comment 

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