Posted on Wednesday, January 19, 2022 · Leave a Comment 
Agency: Oatly Department of Mind Control
CD: Michael Lee
Conor Finnegan: “It was an udder joy to join Oatly’s plant-based revolution. I hope these simple carton head puppets help spread the good word and get more people to move from dairy to plant-based through the medium of song, dance, and awkward silence. It couldn’t have gone butter.
Production: Nexus Studios
Director: Conor Finnegan
Puppet maker: Andy Gent
Friends Norm and Al attempt to de-complexify the complexities of switching to a plant-based lifestyle in this off-kilter and often awkward series of five shorts from Nexus director Conor Finnegan with puppets built by Andy Gent.
“The production was developed with sustainability in mind. The team sourced cruelty-free materials for the sets and characters wherever possible and the 60+ person crew even adopted a vegetarian diet during the 12-day shoot.”

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