At the Kaboom festival I have the honor to present The Nancy Award to any film in competition of my choice. The winner receives a Kaboom trophy and a wine tasting trip with me during next year’s festival. This year my award went to Jantiene and Remco for Camouflage. I always love a good horror film and one that makes me think is even better. This film has a frightening, thought-provoking story combined with beautiful animation, humor and pathos.
At the Kaboom festival I have the honor to present The Nancy Award to any film in competition of my choice. The winner receives a Kaboom trophy and a wine tasting trip with me during next year’s festival. This year my award went to Jantiene and Remco for Camouflage. I always love a good horror film and one that makes me think is even better. This film has a frightening, thought-provoking story combined with beautiful animation, humor and pathos.

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