GMUNK: “In the genesis chapter of Inframunk Is Breathing, an infusion of something as basic as the breath of life triggers a cellular-level excavation through the lens of mutation. A digital valve releases a respiratory bloom and what transpires is a dance of psychedelic botany.
“To the machine, the tree is a conglomerate of pixels. To the human eye, it is comprised of cells, even more so, to the naked eye it has leaves, branches, a trunk, bark. Both systems, the machine learning, and the human viewer are initiated into an altered state in which the tree begins to breathe and grow.
“The rhythm and pace of Inframunk is Breathing replicates the gradual awakening of the eye and the neural pathways. Through this graceful transformation, true discovery is possible. Your mind-body is exposed to protozoan-level transfiguration and, as such, you are provoked to challenge and question what meets the eye.

“A tree, indigenous to the Pacific Northwest, racked with fog, is now considered to be something other than the label it is given. In allowing its non-ordinary life and image to evolve, we expand our understanding of it and therefore our capacity to be surprised.

“A tree, indigenous to the Pacific Northwest, racked with fog, is now considered to be something other than the label it is given. In allowing its non-ordinary life and image to evolve, we expand our understanding of it and therefore our capacity to be surprised.
Posted on Friday, February 17, 2023
“While the intent and techniques are deliberate, the outcome is mostly unknown. Transformation, mutation, change, on a digital micro cellular plane, as well as a soulful one, must be allowed to surprise and expand.”

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