“In general, matrices are experiential patterns, worlds with specific parameters and unique characteristics. They define the way in which a person sees themselves, the world, and everything that exists. Therefore, we are always under the influence of some matrix, in some situation, throughout our existence.
Dedicated to all the speakers at OFFF 2023
Posted on Friday, March 24, 2023
“These matrices are the foundation of this project as we use them as a path to guide the audience through the visual narrative. We use design as a form to visually represent the differences between the matrices. It’s a visual journey that evolves with each matrix.

Production: State
Directed: Marcel Ziul
Associate Creative Director: Tais Marcelo
Creative Producer: Lidia Scarlat
Head of Production: Krissy Estrada, Jennifer Chavarria
Copywriter: Matthew Dickman
Design: Arpine Alexanian, Brayden Kowalczuk, Cadu Blanco , Helton Mattei, Kleber Viola, Lucas Pereira, Lili des Bellons, Marcel Ziul, Margherita Premuroso, Maxim Maevschi, Nick Iluzada , Roy Aguilar, Siwan Seok, Tiago Calliari
Lead Animators: André Dias, Daniel Azevedo, Luis Vilani, Marcel Ziul, Ricardo Perosa
3D Lead: Mauro Borba
3D Artists: Lucas Dal, Marcel Ziul
2D Animators: Andrea Castillo, Dair Biroli, Deco Daviola, Elena Velasco, Guilherme Gurian, Gustavo Torres, João Vaz Oliveira, Lewis Barr, Lorenzo Varisco, Lyuben Dimitrov, Margherita Premuroso, Matt Everton, Maxim Maevschi, Omar Romolino, Ryan Boyes, Welington Rosa

Special thanks: Beatriz Martínez Pazos, Alex Gorodetzki, Lucho Suarez, Addie Stevenson, Javier Vivas, Pablo Requejo, Seamus Thompson, Mayumi Takahashi, White Noise Lab, Poranguí, Heilung, Iglú, Zdob și Zdub, PJ Richardson, Mitch Monson, Burton Rast, Thiago Maia, Roger Lima, Rodrigo Rodrigues, Chico Beraldo, Josué Ibañez
“Matrix Four: We arrive at the climax. A new life force is born into a whole new universe.
From the initial paradise till this moment – we have been reborn.
Marcel Ziul: “Through candid and thought-provoking storytelling, this film invites viewers to dive into the complexity of their own feelings. We follow a journey of experiencing the heavy burden of emotions and desires to find a way to heal.
“Starting from a concept from Stanislav Grof’s theory, the Perinatal Matrices are based on clinical observations of experiences of expanded states of consciousness.
VFX: Gecko VFX
Team: Sergiu Chirillov, Ghennadi Dochien, Alexandr Matievschi, Alexandr Pihut
“This film is a testament to the transformative power of openness and a reminder that our true strength lies in facing our innermost fears and confronting our vulnerabilities.”
OFFF 2023 opening Titles by State | STASH MAGAZINE
“Matrix One: During the weeks in the womb, we are weightless in nature. This is the paradise which keeps us safe and full of wonder.
Voice Over Recording: Roman Bordei, YouBesc Studio
Voice Over Talent: Mina Katharina Wieërs
Bypassing the usual formulas for design event titles, director Marcel Ziul assembles a wide variety of talents and styles for an introspective look at the stresses and strengths of emotions and their impact on our lives.
Music/Sound Design: Zelig
Team: Matthew Wilcock, Connor Duin, Joe Worters, Harry Smith, Breda Canning, Aleah Morrison-Basu
“Matrix Two: “When contractions happen in a closed uterus. It’s the first shift to a conflicting spectrum of feelings. The paradise becomes like a labyrinthine prison in which we experience loss of hope.
OFFF 2023 opening Titles by State | STASH MAGAZINE
Cast: Andy Jones, Karla Bacigalupo

OFFF 2023 opening Titles by State | STASH MAGAZINE
Client: OFFF
Directors: Héctor Ayuso, Pep Salazar
“This film is a testament to the transformative power of openness and a reminder that our true strength lies in facing our innermost fears and confronting our vulnerabilities.”
“Matrix Three: This is the struggle matrix. Here we’re pushing along the birth canal, despite excruciating discomfort. It’s our first moment of determination, heroism, and fear.

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