Animation Mentor 2021 Student Showcase still of a haughty queen

The 2021 Animation Mentor Student Showcase is here!

Creative storytelling is the thread that ties all of these animated shots into one engaging showreel and highlights the talents of our amazing students.
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“There are a lot of things that impress me about Animation Mentor students,” says longtime Mentor and DreamWorks Head of Character Animation Sean Sexton, “but what impresses me the most is their drive and dedication.”
4. Keep Ideas Simple
There are a lot of things that impress me about Animation Mentor students.
– Sean Sexton, DreamsWorks Head of Character Animation
Studios recognize our students’ talent and we’re proud to say that every major studio employs Animation Mentor grads.

5 Tips from 3D Animation Students

Our professional, working mentors teach students everything they need to know to become an animator, from the 12 fundamental principles of animation to creating heartfelt moments between characters.
We went straight to the source and asked some of the amazing students featured in this year’s showcase to share their best tips for aspiring animators.
We’re so excited to share the 2021 Animation Mentor Student Showcase with the world!

It’s always difficult to narrow down the showcase to just a handful of shots. We’re constantly impressed by the breadth of the student work we see within our school every year from each and every student.

The combination of dedicated mentors, small class sizes, and a highly-tested and focused curriculum means that students graduate with all the skills they need to succeed in the industry.
“Animation isn’t easy,” Sean admits, “and most people don’t start out being incredible animators, but through determination, hard work, and perseverance, I see our students become amazing animators and eventually get their dream jobs.”
Animation Mentor 2021 Student Showcase still of man in office gesturing with both arms
3. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others
“Animation is important for us, but remember to live your life and build new experiences. You will be happier and this will be reflected in your work.”
– Ximo Ferrer
“Regardless of what stage of life they are in, or where in the world they live, or what amount of experience they have, Animation Mentor students are here for the same reason—to reach their goals. I love being surrounded by the energy of people who are focused on achieving their dreams!”
1. Take Breaks
2. Remember Your Audience
Don’t know where to start? We can help. Get a FREE Tips & Tricks for beginners eBook to start your journey.
Mentor, Alum, and Sony Supervising Animator Nick Kondo said it best:
“Animating is not just moving the characters, but moving the audience with their performances.”
– Chandrahas Tanguturi
Animation Mentor is an online school, teaching modern artists skills like 3D animation, 2D animation, storyboarding, 3D character modeling, digital painting, and so much more!
Think of your favorite moment from an animated film. Maybe it’s the “Married Life” sequence from Pixar’s Up, or the epic “What’s Up Danger” jump in Sony’s Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. No matter what it is, you can guarantee that a pro animator spent hours getting it just right. On average, a 10-second clip takes 2 weeks to animate!
Mentoring is the fastest way to learn. Getting feedback on your work is vital to improving, especially with industry professionals who know exactly where to focus your effort to improve your shot.
– Kevin Barnes, 2021 Showcase Animator

Animation Mentor 2021 Student Showcase still of thief holding a giant ruby

Studios love Animation Mentor graduates!

At Animation Mentor, we’re training our students to join the industry and create the next generation of iconic, animated stories.
“When things get tough, take a small break, recover and get back to it.”
– Matei Neagoe-Focsa
The 2021 Student Showcase is a selection of this year’s top student work, featuring 18 students from 18 cities and 7 different countries around the world.
5. Animation Isn’t Everything
Keep reading for 5 tips from our talented students that you don’t want to miss!

How can I learn animation?

“Keep it simple and don’t move your characters just to move them. Think about the intent, focus, and goal of your shot.”
– Felicia Martin

“Keep it simple, make sure that what you are communicating to the audience is clear.”
– Bob Wilson

Don’t wait! Learn from the best.
So glad you asked! We’ve designed a virtual campus with classes taught by world-class animators so you can learn from the comfort of your home, no matter where you live.

Get More Information About Animation Mentor

“Don’t Compare! Accept that we are all at different stages of proficiency in our animation skills and don’t compare your work with others’—just work steadily through your shots, learning from each iteration.”
– Kevin Barnes

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