Sound design: Simon Adams
Posted on Sunday, April 11, 2021 · Leave a Comment 
“That’s the question we set out to answer when exploring new 3D and animation software Zoo Tools Pro, Substance Painter, and Redshift.
“We wanted to do our own humorous take on the brothers. What we’ve produced more closely reflects how we imagine they would look: strange, slimy mutant reptiles that only eat pizza, hence their body shape.”

Laura Heath and Eddy Herringson at See Gee motion graphics studio in Sydney, Australia: “When a lockdown pushes crime down, what’s a hero in a half shell to do?
Production: See Gee Studio
DirectorAnimator: Laura Heath, Eddy Herringson

“We’ve woven in some iconic toys, tech, and references from the period so the more you watch it, the more you’ll see.”

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